تعبير عن المدرسة قصير جدا بالانجليزي
يسعدنا زيارتكم على موقع الداعم الناجح يسرنا أن نقدم لكم تعبير عن المدرسة قصير جدا بالانجليزي
بموضوع عن المدرسة بالانجليزي..
The school is our second home because it is very important for all the members of the community because of its role in education and refined the personality of every individual from childhood to adulthood. It is the second source to receive knowledge and advice through its educational curricula.
And the most places that help in learning the system and order, from the beginning of the first day of study you find that you are required to stand in a polite and decent form in the school queue and then enter to receive education and sit well and listen well. So it is important in our lives too.